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Product Description

Kid's Echinacea Plus by Chupp Herb Company - an amazing safe immune tonic for your children! Whether they are dealing with a low immune system or just need an extra boost, Kid's Echinacea Plus is here to help. This natural supplement contains many beneficial ingredients that make it ideal for long-term use in building up a strong immune system.

The main ingredient, Fresh Echinacea Angustifolia Root, is a powerful herb that helps to stimulate the production of white blood cells and also supports natural healing processes. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its many health benefits which include boosting immunity and providing relief from colds and flu-like symptoms.

Kid's Echinacea Plus is a great option for parents who want to give their children the best natural defense against infections and illnesses. Not only is it effective, but it is also safe for long-term use as it does not contain any synthetic ingredients or harsh chemicals. Furthermore, it can be taken daily to provide a steady boost to the immune system and help prevent illness.

For an extra layer of protection, Kid's Echinacea Plus also contains other herbal extracts such as Elderberry Fruit and Astragalus Root. These two ingredients have both been used in traditional medicine for centuries as they are known to help boost immunity and fight off common infections.

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  • Family Ran & Owned

    Nurturing wellness with generations of care.

  • FDA Approved Products

    Produced in FDA certified facility.

  • 100% Satisfaction

    Tested under stringent quality standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Kid's Echinacea Plus, and how does it benefit children's health?

    Kid's Echinacea Plus is a natural immune tonic by Chupp Herb Company designed to support children's immune systems. It contains Fresh Echinacea Angustifolia Root as a key ingredient, known for stimulating white blood cell production and aiding in natural healing. This supplement is ideal for long-term use to strengthen the immune system and provide relief from common illnesses.

  • How does Fresh Echinacea Angustifolia Root contribute to the effectiveness of Kid's Echinacea Plus?

    Fresh Echinacea Angustifolia Root is a potent herb that plays a central role in Kid's Echinacea Plus. It helps stimulate white blood cells and supports the body's natural healing processes. This powerful ingredient has a rich history of traditional use in enhancing immunity and alleviating cold and flu symptoms.

  • Is Kid's Echinacea Plus safe for children, and can it be used for an extended period?

    Yes, Kid's Echinacea Plus is safe for children. It is formulated without synthetic ingredients or harsh chemicals, making it suitable for long-term use. Parents can trust it as a safe and effective way to bolster their child's immune system and prevent illness.

  • Can Kid's Echinacea Plus be taken daily, and how does it provide ongoing immune support?

    Yes, Kid's Echinacea Plus can be taken daily. It offers consistent immune support by providing a steady boost to the immune system. Daily use helps build a strong immune foundation for children, reducing the risk of infections and illnesses.

  • What additional herbal extracts are included in Kid's Echinacea Plus, and how do they enhance its immune-boosting properties?

    Kid's Echinacea Plus contains other herbal extracts, including Elderberry Fruit and Astragalus Root. These ingredients have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and are known for their immune-boosting properties. Their inclusion adds an extra layer of protection, helping to fight off common infections and further enhancing the supplement's effectiveness.

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Valued Customer
Kid’s Echinacea Plus

When I had Knee Surgery I took PLS II, Golden Seal, Echinacea, lots of
NSP Calcium and BF&C caps. The doctor and therapist say the recovery
is beyond expectation in gaining so fast. We feel the cost of the Herbs was
worth it all! #586

Valued Customer
Kid’s Echinacea Plus

For different infections, we like Echinacea. We also get results from Sinus
Support. T.F. 31346