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Product Description

Chupp Herb Company is proud to introduce Active Women’s 50+ 85 Billion, a multi-strain probiotic with kefir culture and organic whole food sources of vitamins and minerals. This professional-grade formula is specifically designed for men aging, helping to support colon, digestive, and immune system health as they age.

The unique survives stomach acid, with a shelf-stable formula that is guaranteed to keep its potency. Active Women’s 50+ 85 Billion is also gluten free and non-GMO, making it suitable for vegetarians who are looking for added digestive support. Plus, it contains no sugar, wheat, eggs, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, preservatives or artificial colors or flavors.

Whether you’re looking for an added boost to your digestive health and immunity as you age, or want to make sure you’re getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals in your diet, Active Women’s 50+ 85 Billion is the perfect choice. Its professional-grade formula helps keep your digestive system functioning at peak performance, so you can continue to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Try it today and see the difference for yourself! Chupp Herb Company has been dedicated to providing high quality supplements for over 20 years, making Active Women’s 50+ 85 Billion the perfect choice for those looking to maintain their health as they age. Get the support your body needs without sacrificing quality – try it today and see the difference!

Your Trusted Wellness Experts

  • Family Ran & Owned

    Nurturing wellness with generations of care.

  • FDA Approved Products

    Produced in FDA certified facility.

  • 100% Satisfaction

    Tested under stringent quality standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Active Women’s 50+ 85 Billion by Chupp Herb Company?

    It's a multi-strain probiotic with kefir culture and organic whole food sources of vitamins and minerals, designed to support women's health as they age.

  • What is the unique feature of this probiotic?

    The formula's unique survival of stomach acid ensures potency, making it an effective choice for maintaining colon, digestive, and immune system health.

  • What dietary preferences does it cater to?

    Active Women’s 50+ 85 Billion is gluten-free, non-GMO, and suitable for vegetarians, providing added digestive support.

  • How can this formula benefit women aging?

    This professional-grade formula helps maintain digestive system performance, supporting an active and healthy lifestyle through the years.

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