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Product Description

The Chupp Herb Company's Kid's Potty Helper is a mild laxative designed to help with occasional constipation or sluggish bowels. It stimulates bile production, thus assisting in normal bowel health. Our natural formula is made of yellow dock root, licorice root, fresh marshmallow root and peppermint spirits - all of which are alcohol free.

Composed of natural ingredients, Kid's Potty Helper has several benefits for children and adults alike. It helps to improve regularity in the digestive system, while providing relief from occasional constipation and sluggish bowels. The increased bile production also aids in healthy digestion, allowing food to move through the body more quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, Kid's Potty Helper helps to maintain a healthy balance in the body, promoting overall digestive health.

At the Chupp Herb Company, we believe in providing natural solutions for occasional constipation and sluggish bowels. With our Kids Potty Helper, you can be sure that you are offering your family an effective and safe solution. Our all-natural ingredients provide the relief your family needs without any of the harsh side effects. Now, with Kid's Potty Helper, you can give your child the digestive support they need to stay healthy and happy. Give them the natural boost they deserve with Chupp Herb Company's Kids Potty Helper.

Your Trusted Wellness Experts

  • Family Ran & Owned

    Nurturing wellness with generations of care.

  • FDA Approved Products

    Produced in FDA certified facility.

  • 100% Satisfaction

    Tested under stringent quality standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Kid's Potty Helper, and what is it designed to address?

    Kid's Potty Helper is a mild laxative designed to provide relief from occasional constipation and sluggish bowels in both children and adults. It is formulated to stimulate bile production, promoting normal bowel health.

  • What are the key natural ingredients in Kid's Potty Helper?

    Kid's Potty Helper contains natural ingredients such as yellow dock root, licorice root, fresh marshmallow root, and alcohol-free peppermint spirits. These components work together to provide effective digestive support.

  • How does Kid's Potty Helper contribute to digestive health?

    Kid's Potty Helper helps improve regularity in the digestive system and facilitates the movement of food through the body more quickly and efficiently. It achieves this by stimulating bile production, aiding in healthy digestion.

  • Does Kid's Potty Helper have any artificial additives or side effects?

    No, Kid's Potty Helper is free from harsh chemicals and artificial additives. It provides natural relief without harsh side effects, making it a safe and effective solution for occasional constipation and sluggish bowels.

  • How does Kid's Potty Helper contribute to overall digestive health?

    In addition to providing relief from constipation, Kid's Potty Helper helps maintain a healthy balance in the body, promoting overall digestive health. This natural remedy offers a gentle approach to digestive support for the entire family.

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